By Colleen Brunetti, MEd
My Big Girl Potty and My Big Boy Potty
By Joanna Cole
These two books are pretty much the same story, swapping out Michael in the boy book for Ashley in the girl book. The story is especially engaging as the young reader is introduced to the character and asked some questions. I used the boy book with my own son when we potty trained and he loved answering the questions and finding similarities between himself and Michael in the book.
In this story, the child is given a potty chair. They go through the steps of trying out the potty but not being ready, to having success, to still wearing a diaper at night, to celebrating with the purchase of some big kid undies. The books give a nod to accidents, assuring the child it is okay. At the end of the book, the young reader is assured they will use the potty to, and “won’t you be so proud!”
To read some of our other potty training books, look HERE!