Potty Training Success: A Child with Special Needs

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

We hear a lot of wonderful stories over on the Potty Time Facebook page. One in particular that stood out to me came from mom Denille, about her son Quinn (now 39 months).

My son is 37-months and loves Potty Time just as much as he has loved his entire Baby Signing Time and Signing Time DVDs. Although he is still scared to sit on the potty (he has Down syndrome and we do things on our own timetable), he seems excited about the new

Quinn at the beach

signs and is stringing them together to communicate in new ways. Today he signed “Body Amazing Time Thirsty” and then signed “drink milk please”. He signs “Potty, wipe, flush, wash” when someone else goes to the bathroom. Potty Time is helping him make more connections and communicate about his world- yet another step toward independence and potty training. Our path will no doubt be easier and filled with more fun and songs because of Potty Time. Thank you!! Continue reading

Community Questions

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Here’s another question/comment from our Facebook community:

“I don’t know what to do about the regression. It’s so frustrating.

Regression is frustrating, no doubt! Just when you think you’ve gotten somewhere with this whole potty training thing, your sweet little ones get another idea in their heads and it’s back to accidents, wet clothes, and maybe even diapers.

Continue reading

Keeping Little People Motivated to Potty Train

Using Non-Tangible Rewards

By Cynthia Noell

Many parents like to use stickers or candy as rewards, and if that works for your family, great. Others prefer non-tangible (sometimes called “intrinsic”) motivators: things that are not “stuff”. Perhaps a combination of the two will work as well. In this article, we’ll discuss some ideas for non-tangible rewards. Continue reading

A Potty Training Success Story

As told to Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Monica Blouin, a Signing Time Academy Instructor with her buisness, Lil Miracles Academy, and Potty Time enthusiast recently shared with us her very early and exciting success with Potty Time.

Monica is Mommy to two-year old Jack and four-year old Madie, who has Down syndrome. As she says, potty training in her house “has not been great”, with two in diapers, and one of those children having special needs. They don’t make diapers in Madie’s size and it’s been challenging.

Soon after Potty Time arrived at her door, Monica shared this exciting news on facebook: Continue reading

Potty Time App now available for iPhone!

Apple approved the Potty Time app for iOS! Now you can download the Potty Time app for your iPhone or iPad. Use this free app to let your little one put stickers on a virtual chart, watch a Potty Time videos clip, or read a Potty Time story about Hopkins. You can even set up a call from Rachel, who will say, “Congratulations!” or “You can do it! Try again!” to your child. How cool is that?

Sarah Nichols of Kentucky downloaded the app yesterday and posted this comment on the Potty Time Facebook page: All my son wants to do is “talk to Rachel” and then pick a sticker. She’s given him so much incentive and we’ve had so much success today!!! 🙂

Download the Potty Time app now!

The Potty Time app is free. It is available for both Android and iOS devices.



Potty Training a Child With Special Needs

By Dixie Willwerth, M.Ed

As a special education preschool teacher, parents often ask me for advice on how to potty train their children. While working with children who have a variety of needs over the years, I have picked up some good tips. Potty training a child with special needs is not all that different than potty training any other child. However, there are some important factors you’ll want to take into account while planning for and implementing potty training strategies for your child with special needs. Continue reading

Using Signs in Potty Training

By Sue Rouillard, MEd

You’re almost there. You’ve been watching and your child is exhibiting many of the signs they are ready to begin potty training. You’re getting excited because you’re looking forward to no more diapers! Yeah!! Hold on a minute, it’s not usually that quick and easy. However, using signs along with training just might pick up the pace.

Rachel signs "Potty"

Potty Time host Rachel Coleman demonstrates the POTTY sign.

First, start using the sign for POTTY (sign the letter ‘T’ and shake it – see photo on right), every time you change the diaper. Toddlers love shaking that potty sign at you to tell you they’ve already wet. You can also use the “potty” sign when your toddler follows you into the bathroom and sees you go.

Next, think of the routine; how is this all going to go down? (no pun intended) Continue reading

Potty Training in Daycare

By Kristy Simons, ECE

Potty training in child carePotty training is a significant developmental step for your child, so it’s important that you and your current (or potential) child care providers are on the same page before potty training begins. Discussing the following aspects of potty training can help you clearly communicate your preferences and expectations– and help you determine if your provider’s approach to potty training will meet your child’s needs. Continue reading