Potty Training Adventure

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Here’s a great video chronicling one family’s potty training adventures.

Do you have an adorable video of your kid in the process of potty training? Share it on our Facebook page!

Like the chart they use? Be sure to check our version as a free download on the Resources page!

Book Review: Potty Time (a Sesame Beginnings publication)

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Potty Time! A Sesame PublicationThis book is listed for ages 24 – 36 months on the cover and contains simple illustrated representation of the loveable Sesame Street characters. What I particularly appreciate about this book is that each character is at a different stage of development, one who goes all the time, one who has the occasional accident, and one who is just not interested at all yet. This may be very reassuring to children and parents alike!

The text invites children in by asking occasional questions and explains what each character is doing and why.

One page even mentions how a character calls her time in the bathroom “potty time”, which is a rather convenient link to the Potty Time program too!

To read our other book reviews, click HERE

Book Review: “Too Big for Diapers”

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Too Big for Diapers (a Sesame Street Babies publication)

Too Big For Diapers bookToo Big For Diapers sample pages

In five quick page turns, this book follows Baby Ernie (shown as a stuffed doll) through the potty training process. It has very simple words describing what he is doing on each page, stressing the “stop and go!” concept in a similar way to Potty Time.

The photos of the dolls and props are large and bold, likely very engaging, especially to children who are training a little bit on the younger side, or who absolutely love Sesame Street.

Baby Hopkins plushA really nice companion to this book might be our Baby Hopkins plush who can be snuggled with as the story is read, and used to act out what Baby Ernie is doing in the book.



To read our other book reviews, click HERE!

Book Review: “You Can Go to the Potty”

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

We are reviewing some potty training books! Our entire collection of reviews will be housed HERE.

You Can Go to the Potty
You Can Go To The Potty book
By William Sears, M.D., Martha Sears, R.N., and Christie Watts Kelly

This book is from the Sears pediatrician team, particular favorites of those who like the attachment parenting method. It’s also one of the books I (Colleen) used with my own son! It actually starts out with tips for parents, and explains some of the choices in the book, as well as giving a few tips if you are experiencing any difficulty during the potty training process.

The story starts out talking about the baby days. In line with the attachment parenting approach, the illustrations show both nursing and co-sleeping, which some families will greatly appreciate and others may not as much. It then transitions into what big kids can do, and talks about where pee and poo-poo might go, first in a diaper and now into the toilet.

This book takes a specific approach to the timing of potty training, telling children they will switch to underwear when they can keep their diapers dry. Some families will do well with this timing, whereas others may find a different approach is going to work better for their child.

The book moves on to the process of potty training, including a supportive take on accidents and of course lots of great celebrating. A particularly nice aspect of this book is the little insets on some pages called “Answers for the Very Curious”. These boxes contain questions children might ask about going potty and simple answers that they can understand – very helpful!

Hopkins Uses the Potty board book

As this is geared towards little ones but is very factual, it would make a nice companion to a more playful approach, such as our book “Hopkins Uses the Potty”

Book Review: “Diapers Are Not Forever”

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be taking a look at some of the MANY potty training books on the market. Here’s the first one!

Diapers Are Not ForeverDiapers are Not Forever book
By Elizabeth Verdick

A very simple prose, along with the inviting illustrations, will draw children into this book that explains how diapers are not forever. It starts with showing how the children are growing and now they can do what the big kids do – go potty! It then takes the reader through the steps of going potty, with noted differences for boys and girls, and stresses the celebration a child can have with his family. As a bonus, there are tips for parents at the end.

Parents who prefer not to reward with tangible items will appreciate the idea that the family will celebrate with a “clap and cheer”. This book fits great with the Potty Time philosophy and songs, especially the “Potty Dance” and “Let’s Celebrate” (Click on the songs to hear a sample!)

Potty Time DVD + Music CD

These songs are included on the Potty Time DVD + Music CD.


To read our other book reviews, click HERE

You Did What?!?

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

No doubt, kids can come up with some pretty creative uses for standard household objects. Here’s an article about a little boy who had something very unusual happen to him because of it!


What’s the craziest thing your child has pulled while potty training?

Is My Face Red?

Sometimes children ask to go potty at the most inopportune times!  Here’s one little girl who managed to do it on national television.

I really love the author’s take on the whole scenario… Sometimes, you just have to roll with it!

Article: http://thestir.cafemom.com/toddler/137539/


Making Potty Training a Family Affair: Grandparents

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

grandpa and grandmaWe’ve looked at how to get dad and siblings involved in potty training. Today, let’s take a look at grandparents.

1)   Get on the same page: Sometimes navigating child-rearing philosophies with your parents or in-laws can be tricky. Parenting methods have changed a great deal in the last several decades, and Grandma may have her tried and true method that just doesn’t jive with your approach. Continue reading

Community Question – Accidents

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

We recently received this question:

“My son has been potty trained for over a year. For the last month he has a least once a day that he starts to pee before making it to the rest room. Sometimes it happens when I ask him if he needs to go potty. He is not completely wet like he has had an accident, put it is enough that it is causing chaffing on his legs and it smells. I don’t know if he has a bladder problem or if he is being lazy.”

This one is kind of tough to answer without seeing the child in action. From what is described, it almost sounds like he is having an early physical response to the cues to go to the bathroom (either the cues his body is sending, or when Mom asks).

Since he has been trained for a year, and you’re not sure the cause, a quick call to the pediatrician never hurts.

Once you feel settled that it isn’t a physical issue, or have addressed any underlying physical concerns, know that regression is very common in kids. You may need to do some detective work to find out what’s going on. Our articles “Toileting Regression – What’s Up With That?” and “Sometimes Regression is a Part of Moving Forward” may be helpful. Above all, remain calm, supportive, and consistent. Good luck!