My Son Doesn’t Care That He’s Wet

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Here’s another question from our Facebook Community. You can find a list of these under our FAQs.

My son doesn’t care when he’s wet. Anything I can do to help with that?

There are a few ways you can go about helping the child who does not mind the wet sensation. Continue reading

Is it Too Early to Start?

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

From time to time we pick a question from our Facebook community to answer. You can access the collection by visiting our FAQ’s page.

My 15 mo old son is acting very interested, is it too early to start?

That depends on who you ask! Continue reading

Potty Training Madie


Photo Credit: Photography by Angel

A Story About Potty Training and Down Syndrome

By Monica Blouin

Signing Time Academy Instructor Monica Blouin, of Lil Miracles Signing Academy, is mom to four year old Madie, a little girl with Down syndrome. Here, Monica shares with us her journey of trials and triumphs as she and Madie work together to potty train. Continue reading

Potty Training and Down Syndrome

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Children who have Down syndrome may potty train somewhat later than their typically developing peers. Potty training tips written for most kids are likely to help with a child who has Down syndrome as well, but perhaps just a little later. Visit our Resources page for some ideas to get you started with potty training in general.

What follows is a series of common challenges and possible solutions to consider when potty training a child who had Down syndrome. Continue reading

Specific Tips for Girls and Boys

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

We’ve compiled lots of ideas for potty training children in general, but there are a few tips and tricks that are specific to the gender of your child. Take a look, and then tell us, what worked for your little boy or girl? Continue reading

Sometimes Regression is a Part of Moving Forward

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Few things in potty training are as frustrating as the moment when you think your child has this whole thing all figured out, only for them to start having accidents again.

It is the dreaded regression and it happens to a lot of people.

Here is one mom’s view on how regression can actually be about re-training the parent, not the child, and how it is part of the process of moving forward in potty training. Enjoy!

Toileting Regression – What’s Up with That?

By  Sue Rouillard, M.Ed

Perhaps one of the more frustrating parts of potty training is regression. You think your child has this whole potty training thing worked out and then one day it is back to accidents or diapers. In this article we address some of the reasons behind potty training regression and give you some strategies for managing it. Continue reading

Potty Training Around the World

By Colleen Brunetti, MEd

Here in North America we tend to potty train children as toddlers, often being told this is the most developmentally appropriate practice. However, in the Elimination Communication community, and in other cultures around the world, they train much earlier. We take a look at some of those practices and examine the rationale behind them. Continue reading

Elimination Communication

By Kristy Simons, ECE

New and expectant parents are faced with a mountain of decisions. Breast-feeding or formula? Home care or daycare? And then you have the diaper dilemma. For many, it’s tough to decide between the two basic choices; disposable or cloth. However, there is a third option you might not have heard about. There is a growing movement of North American parents who are choosing to use no diapers at all.  They are advocates of the elimination communication method (Also known as infant potty training, natural infant hygiene and potty whispering). Followers of this method say that you can start training your baby to use the potty almost from birth. Continue reading