What to Expect When You Write All The Time

By Colleen Brunetti, M.Ed., C.H.C

I LOVE my job here at Potty Time. I get to interact with almost 5,000 Potty Time fans every week, sharing stories and advice on Facebook and Twitter, and blogging here. And even though my dad always told me I should be a writer, I’m still sort of surprised to turn around and find that his nudging in junior high and high school did eventually turn into a real thing. Honestly though, I always just figured I’d hang out here on Potty Time, and do some articles for the Signing Time Blog and Newsletter, and that would be good enough.

So, you can imagine my shock and excitement when What To Expect When You’re Expecting came knocking! After reading here at Potty Time, they asked me to guest blog for them and of course I jumped at the chance.

So… without further ado, I am happy to share with you my guest blog, which you can read by clicking the title here:  “Parenting a Boy is a Comedy”.

It’s not about potty training (not all of it anyway), but in some ways it is all about the crazy ride that is parenting… and that is something we can all identify with no matter what stage your little one is at. I hope you enjoy!


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